Thursday, May 10, 2007

Rabid Pussy

The Game Warden just came to investigate what may have been a rabid cat near my house. Sadly, this possibly-rabid cat sort of reminded me of myself. Check it...

I was talking with a friend earlier about tomorrow night's plans and we both almost simultaneously expressed our hopes for all the "new, single, hott males" who might be where we are going. It was one step away from foaming at the mouth in anticipation of all the meat we could potentially encounter at the parties and bars.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm on a constant manhunt where I view every situation as one with potential. Not that I don't think that's a good mindset to have, but when I find myself imagining, Ally McBeal style, jumping across counters to attack male prey, I know it's gone a bit far. I haven't progressed to this erratic behavior (yet), but with the severe lack of play I'm getting, coupled with the even more severe lack of potentials in my group of friends, I'm afraid of what my diseased* mind might do.

And let's talk about this extremely severe lack of potentials that has us chicas plagued. The group dynamic has once again shifted and left us with a total cooter fest. I miss the days of yore when I had oodles of guy friends who, in turn, had oodles of guy friends. It's six degrees of guy friends and I miss it dearly. I mean, desperately.

So, like that rabid cat, I need some meat and I'd prefer mine to be in the form of male. And soon, please, because really? the foaming at the mouth can't be attractive.

Too bad the game warden wasn't hot...

*Hey, lack of kissing is a disease in my book!


Diva's Thoughts said...

I used always be on a perpetual manhunt!!

allan said...

Summer will be here soon and there will be lots of hot men floating around the city showing off, trying to impress beautiful like yourself. To quote Axl, "All you need is patience" :)

Chuckles said...

This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode.

CarmenSinCity said...

I hear ya girl!

All the good ones are taken or just nowhere to be found. It's not nearly as easy to meet guys as it used to be.

Tbone said...

Love it. I also do feel like the hottie single men are dwindling...time to move outside the circle and explore new ones!

Anonymous said...

How long has that been going on? You can usually time that kind of thing to a menstrual cycle (just before it, rather) you know!

I get incredibly worked up a week before. Mr. Rogers would do.


Anonymous said...

So why just imagine yourself pouncing guys. DO IT! :)

It's the 21st century. Women and men for the most part are equals. Nobody's going to think ill of you for initiating contact with a guy.

When I met the three of you at MouseTrap I was a bit intimidated. I have no clue what to do around women. I'm SURE I'm not alone.

Besides, us shy, geeky, socially awkward guys tend to make better boyfriends than more confident guys.