I had at least five people ask me yesterday, "Are you married?" and "Why not?"
Now, granted they were all kids, but still, seriously???? So after they would ask me that I would say, "I'm too young to be married!" and would have them guess my age. The most common answer was 21.
I love it when kids think I'm much younger than I am....
Lord, this happens to me all the time. Typically it isn't someone in our age group, but rather a kindly older woman that starts talking to me on the street. Most recent? I was accousted with the marriage question while walking out of the place I vote. What I hate is the pity in their eyes when I say no. Sigh.
I love how kids have no concept of age...
Kids say the darndest things!
Take it as a complement - pretty girls are always supposed to have boyfriends, right?
ha! over the weekend i had a friend get married, a friend invite me to his wedding, a friend tell me she's planning her wedding and another friend say that she's saving for a future wedding.
Even the kids are trained to ask that dreaded question! Sheesh!
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