Wednesday, August 02, 2006

You Can't Go Home Again...pt2

Remember this post. Well its about to blow up in my face in a big big way. The ex-file opened while I wasn't present to slam it shut and now "the Others" are coming to take me away. That's right...the two words that will make any person who has run fast and furiously away from their hometown, scream in horror.

Class Reunion.


My mother, NotBettyBoop, sweetheart that she is, gave my cell phone number to NotaMidget, my twice removed, ex-boyfriend. Who then proceeded to call me an ask me about pitching in to help plan the 10 year high school reunion. I knew I should have stayed at work late and left my cell phone somewhere far far away from where I can be reached.

So where does this put me. One year away from seeing the people I went to highschool with, but never saw much of as I entered college. And the same people I didn't seek out after, and who I have no plans on keeping in contact with after this.


I feel so defeated right now...defeated and bitchy, because I can't even dredge up some bit of happiness at returning home to my high school days and the peopl who helped shape me, or at least served as a reminder that I never wanted to be like them. Its in fashion right now to hate your high school years, right? So I'll chalk this up as being fashionable and hope this trend stays popular for at least the next year.


Beth said...

I think hating the high school years will always and forever be in vogue. Also, love the name you gave your mother. Darling. I too dread the day I return for my HS reunion. could be a good opportunity to show all the people you originally wanted to forget just how truly fabulous you are.

Anonymous said...

nice blog loved loved loved it :D
p.s here is my email i have a couple of questions

Whine Girl said...

Always and forever is right... even though I actually enjoyed most of my high school years, I wouldn't want to go back. My 20 yr class reunion was last year.. well it was supposed to be last year, but it didn't organize itself.

NotCarrie said...

I didn't hate my high school years. I hated GOING to school, but I didn't hate the classes or teachers. I don't know if I'll go to my reunion or not. I still have a couple of years.

Chuckles said...

This year is a reunion year for me, but I checked the alumni info and there was nothing. I guess the rest of my class doesn't care either.

dara said...

I thought my 10 year reunion would suck, but I wound up having a blast. I reconnected with people I like, ignored people I didn't, and went out drinking & dancing with some old friends afterwards.

It was way better than expected, and now I'm looking forward to the 15-year reunion.

NotMiranda said...

I ended up missing my first reunion because I was traveling to Taiwan for work within a couple of days of it. I had had mixed feelings about going given my general apathy toward high school. After it was over, an old friend I had reconnected with sent me photos. I didn't miss much. : )

dasi said...

I feel for you. My TWENTY year reunion is in October. And since I went to an all-girls' Catholic high school, I won't even be able to possibly pick up a cute guy classmate or reconnect with an ex-beau. Just a bunch of catty women comparing husbands (which I don't have), kids (which I DO have), and lifetime achievements (does blogging count?). But I'll go, and maybe get drunk and lie about my life. Ha!

NotCarrie said...

Dasi- Didn't I hear you invented Post Its?

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that I am excited for my reunion?

I'm SO not in.

Senor Beavis said...

I'm quite jealous of those who enjoyed their high school years. I think having friends and dates and stuff then would have been worth being "unfashionable" now. Then again, I wouldn't be nearly as interesting a person now if people hadn't reacted so apathetically towards my being paralyzed with fear of offending anyone when I was in HS.

As for the reunion, it's not a big deal. Despite having no friends upon leaving HS, I went to my 5 because I was in the same city and figured that no one would be rich or have kids yet so everyone would just go out drinking. For my 10, I would have had to spend money on a flight to see people that didn't talk to me in HS. Plus, they're all lawyers now anyway. (Nothing against lawyers per se, just when everyone has the same life, conversation gets old quickly).

Lindsey said...

Ummm. yeah...I have a post about the same's called "The Reunion Committee Hates Me." It was a bullshit waste of my $50 FYI. No one changes in 10 years and they only people that showed up were the people I never hung out with anyway.