Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dyeing to get laid...

Obviously, I need to dye to get laid around here.

I mean seriously. I need to dye that is. Today, one of my friends from work, NotaNympho, told me about this new study which declares that redheads have more sex. When I think about my less than red hued locks it leaves a bit to be desired. Of course, as I thought about the previous post of deal breakers, and the one before that on dining out, I realized that I had succeeded in frustrating myself sexually. Which tends to make me wonder what I would do for some sex. Not scary go out and stand on a street corner type of looking, but for the sake of making myself more appealing, what would I do. I've got shoes I could wear and clothing I could put on, but maybe its the hair. I mean with red hair, even if a guy suspected it was dyed, he would at least have to see if the carpet matches the drapes, right? And then he could just "dine" and I could recline. Mission accomplished, O's are reached and for the moment, all is right with my world.


Whine Girl said...

I'd rather go without sex than dye my hair red. I wouldn't look right at ALL.

NotCarrie said...

How about instead of us all going red, us blondes and brunettes try to change the stats, hahahah!

Shannon said...

The color has to flatter.

I'm really a brunette....doesn't flatter my complexion at all and I look terrible (IMO).

But as a blond, even with my wedding ring on, I get approached by guys all the time, albeit married dads, but that's who I'm exposed to as a suburban mom/wife.

NotCharlotte said...

I dunno...

when i see redheaded guys all i can think is FIRE CROTCH! and it makes me giggle so much i can't think of them as sexy.

although i had this professor awhile back that was a redhead and he was pretty cute.

i used to have red hair, but i definitely get hit on more with my blonde hair.

Beth said...

LOL.."see if the carpet matches the drapes"...clever!

I agree with Shannon...color has (or should) flatter. What about some highlights? (If you don't get them already).

Or what about getting your makeup done a different way at the MAC counter...something dramatic that you haven't tried, but would still make you look fabulous. I just worry that you'd dye your hair and then be really upset cause it might be difficult to fix after the fact, and that would just be a mess!

Anonymous said...

Let's not kid each other here. Women don't have to do much to get laid. Put any bar outfit you have on, some high heels, and no underwear and you'll be on your knees in no time. I can grab brown hair just as easily as I can blonde or red...

Johnny said...

Tell you a secret, noone cares what color the carpets are.. we just want to roll around in that lil guy... BAD.


al said...

i think lindsay logan is skewing the stats for all red heads...she's just too much of a power hitter!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this brunette is totally willing to jump on that stat-changing bandwagon!!

cathouse teri said...

When I'm blonde, I get positive attention from every male alive (all ages). And I don't mean ATTENTION.. I just mean every door gets opened for me, and I'm greeted at every turn. I know this is true, cause one day I'll be a brunette and the next day when I'm blonde there is a NOTICEABLE difference.
I've never tried being a redhead, though. Only the most special-est of people get to look good in red hair. I know this, so I don't attempt it. :)

Ryane said...

oh Notcarrie--I like the way you think!! Definitely blondes and brunettes need to do something about changing the stats. Besides, I did red once. Ummm, can you say, brassy? Fade out was not a pleasant experience.

Nah. I want to stay brunette--and get laid. I really, I don't think I am asking too much...haha. ;-)

NotMiranda said...

"Red in the head, fire in bed."

This is what I used to have people come up and tell me when my hair was naturally red. Imagine hearing this as a teenager...embarrassing.

DCVita said...

Hmm...I will let you know if that theory hold true since I am dyeing my hair a sorta dark cherry red this weekend (does that count or are we talking Julia Roberts red?)

As for the hair down under...bare is best! :P

Meme said...

I heard that survey too.

I know it's true.

NotSamantha said...

I love hair colors, but for right now I'll stick with my darker than midnight brown. Besides, no one's seen my hair all summer. I'll be letting it down in a few weeks though. As for carpet. I've been hardwood floors *steals word from hagrin*, and jungle, and I prefer a happy medium of the landing strip, thank you very much.

Lady Apple said...

hmmmm, this one is tough....i have only seen a few people pull off red hair succesfully. that is funny though that there would be a statistic that would say that redheads get more sex...i wonder if redheaded males get less...i don't think i have EVER seen an attractive redheaded male.

NotCarrie said...

I know some hott redheaded males. (And I never wonder what color any other hair is, by the way.)

Actually, I'm over the (blah) carpet talk.

Whine Girl said...

Julia Roberts and Angie Everhardt are redheads that can definitely pull it off.
I highlight my hair.. I can't imagine dying it totally another color. I do let my hair grow down to my hips though.. then I cut it up to my shoulders. I do this every couple years. I only met ONE guy who absolutely loved short hair and wanted me to cut my shoulder length hair even shorter.. NO way.
Couldn't do it.

romance junkie said...

not buying the hair color thing...each guy has his own taste in hair guy friends and "friends" are split down the middle...i know this because i dye my hair often and sometimes i get "what happened to your dark hair?" and sometimes i get the opposite and vice versa...someone seems not happy each time ...and how do you know you'll attract anyone you want to sleep with with that particular color..

if you decide to try it out though...keep us updated...i'm always curious about these things...

Lindsey said... best friend is a red head and she's going to Dublin and London w/ me tomorrow. I guess we know who's going to be getting all the action.

Mummerina said...

I agree with NotCarrie... let's outdo the redheads.
Personally - I think platimun blondes are most eyeturning.
I think most men would be curious to bed a redhead - but they arent as common as Blonde/Burnette...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Maybe I will have to think about this one..........Do you think blondes have more fun??

jo said...

i think it just depends on what hair colour looks best. and somehow certain haircuts look better with certain colours. and i'm not sure if i like a redheaded guy. i much prefer brunette men.

trueborn said...

That may be all because redheads have more fights and therefore more makeup sex.
Just a thought....

Frankly, Scarlett said...


cathouse teri said...

I really don't believe statistics. I know there are some men who have "things" for certain hair colors, feet, big breasts, etc... but in reality, I think the average guy just goes after the whole package. (no reverse pun intended... hehe)
Chemistry is not to be taken lightly. Neither can it be anticipated. It just is or it isn't.

Shannon said...

LOL at the hardwood floor look.

Next post on that subject....what do guys prefer?

Shannon said...

I don't think it's too metro for a guy to provide a great dining experience, lol.

Thanks for the insight!

John Mackey said...

All of the comments that few if any attractive red-headed men exist has made me very, very sad.