Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Not So Married Anymore...

Well, well, well...So married guy, the one who was confusing me a bit with his friendly, flirty behavior towards me, is, as it turns out, NOT married. Well, technically he stll is, I suppose, but seeing as how he is dating someone a little close to home (away from home) he's as good as single.

So I didn't imagine the flirting and I also did not imagine the ring I had seen on his left hand. What a crazy situation this has turned into, but I have to say I am still glad I never flirted with him before. How awkward would it have been to find out from the person he's dating about their situation and then to think back to me telling her all about our flirty conversations. This new information about him did cause me for a moment to wish I had found out before. All of a sudden, once I found he was single and taken all at the same time, he was kind of appealing. Just for a moment, though. I got over it quickly.

Speaking of...I'm running with no crushes still. I did find myself checking out NotTaylor as he walked away, and giving him a patented 'look' when he asked what I've been up to lately and if I've been finding boyfriends. NotMiranda said that if I don't try to makeout with him then she'd ask for an introduction. I'm working on it, there's a happy hour in the works!


Beth said...

Ooo..I agree, that would have been super awkward...particularly if he's "kind of" still married?! ouch. You could always file him away as attractive...and come back to him if he's ever officially not married. Strange how knowing new information either makes them more appealing or flat out repulsive.

Dizzie said...

Okay, I'm going to be a total blonde here, but I don't get it - he wasn't married but had a ring, or was he married, but dated someone, or isn't married, doesn't have a ring and IS dating someone else?

NotCarrie said...

He was married and had a ring. But now is separated, I guess.

Chuckles said...

That situation sounds a bit like hosting the Olympics in Angola. You're going to lose some people to landmines.

NotCarrie said...

HAHAHAHA! I'm staying away from the landmine zones.

Lindsey said...

I have no crushes right now unless you count Colin Farrell.

By the way, I know a girl that was asked out by a man (who didn't wear a ring). They spent an hour on the phone...then he took her around to show her his office (he owned his own business), then at dinner...she said, "so tell me more about yourself." Then JOKINGLY she said, "You aren't married are you?" His response? "How'd you know?" He said he just liked making friends and that was all he was doing. She got her dinner to go.

Reluctant Dater said...

it's even better when they're "separated" but "can't" take the ring off yet because "then it makes it real" and/or "it will bring about questions when people notice."

NML/Natalie said...

That sounds like the kind of complex stuff that you should run a mile from!

NotCarrie said...

Linny- NO WAY! What a creep!

RD- Haha, yeah. I wonder for how long he WANTED to take that ring off and get back in the game.

NML- I am merely a spectator. Well, except I'm one of the few people who know.

NotMiranda said...

Do it (NotTaylor)!

Virginia Belle said...

i hooked up w/a guy once.

i thought he was divorced.

he waited until i was naked to inform me that he was only separated.

separated = still married in my book.

he got the boot.

i ran into him recently. they got back together and are still married.

how bad do i feel? he put me in a very awkward situation. granted, i didn't know, but i'm still "the woman." i dont' want to be her!

make out with that guy!!!!

NotCarrie said...

Interesting development: I just got butterflies at the thought of mo with NotTaylor. What the Hell!?

Anonymous said...

"Separated" men are worse than "married" men. But all in all, they each have way too many issues.

I've been in Virigina's situation and I agree totally. Run away, darlin'!

And aim for the arms of hottie singleton. ;/