Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Initiative can be a 4-letter word

NotCarrie got me thinking about what would move things along in my single life (i.e., obtain boyfriend...check), and I've determined that she's right...initiative would help immensely. That and a natural ability to not make a guy who's acting interested feel like an ass. In my humble opinion, initiative is not so easily attained. In fact, for the deathly shy initiative is like mounting Everest in a wheelchair. Probably not impossible, but it would take one brave s.o.b. to attempt it. How can I get brave in that area of my life? Because, really, what have I got to lose? (Diginity comes to mind.) I can bungee off a crane, get a tattoo, fly around the world by myself, eat bugs, speak in front of hundreds of people, and I can't smile and make eyes at a boy? Hmmm. New addition to the "check" list...take some initiative with the boys ; )

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