Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Jackie O. – Marilyn Monroe syndrome…

Okay, I think I’ve become a victim of my own game.

I started out with this online dating thing, with two dates (see the coming posts for the details of that fiasco) and so far I’ve discovered that maybe its not the guys I’m seeing but the site I’m using. Its an adult themed site, so no worries that the young or too young in mind will frequent it, but its also so sexually themed that I’m wondering if there is more to it then just the sex it screams.

I am no Jackie O., but the guys I’ve been out with so far are only out for one thing. They’re not interested in conversation or in trading the best movies, they’re only interested in getting into my pants. Despite the fact that I’m not easy or a sure thing, I have to wonder if instead of women being the Jackie O. or the Marilyn Monroe, if it’s the guys who aspire to this flight of fancy. If they’re not the ones who are either/or.

Or if both sexes are, and the only way to find a successful partner is to find that person who meets both sides of that theme. *sigh*


NotCarrie said...

Yeah I definitely think using a sex themed site isn't the best way to find good conversation. Unless it's about positions or something...

Cheryl said...

In my experience, the men doing online dating or speed dating or going to ating themed events are all there for a reason. But the women are usually fabulous!