Saturday, April 02, 2005

the best time i've ever had, waiting around for something bad...

i'm about ready to give up on the whole NotElliot situation.
Mixed emotions/signs/questions are bugging the absolute CRAP out of me.
if something doesn't happen, either mo-wise or information-wise, soon i'm moving on.
last night was good, but nothing spectacular. i have all these questions going through my mind and i'm even getting tired of myself overanalyzing it.
i had a dream about NotVegas last night and i keep thinking/hoping he'll come into my workplace. he would be so easy to go back to.


Anonymous said...

The worst that can happen if you "give up" is that nothing happenes between you two. Which, not to be blunt, but is what's going on now. SO what I'm trying to say that by not focusing on it, you have the potential for something with someone else but ALSO, the chance he'll come around. This way, you'll be happy and content no matter what and that's the most important thing!

NotCarrie said...

I reread that and wanted to clarify that when I say nothing is going on now...I only mean to encourage you to not only pursue him, but others as well:)

(bc I still think something is there:)

NotMiranda said...

Hopefully I'll find out some good stuff on Wednesday. Still feeling guilty about spilling all the boys secrets (insert sheepish grin). Don't go back to someone who cheated without only the best of reasons, honey (lol...I felt this comment needed a term of endearment). : )