Monday, March 21, 2005

So much to blog about so little time...

Friday night was fun...though I did get a little drunk and was the cause of us getting thrown out of said bar. Thank you thank you thank you, NotSamantha, for being sober and making sure we made minimal asses out of ourselves (at least I hope it was minimal). A couple of drunken revelations...

(1) Even when drunk I'm bad at mingling. NotKitty tried to give me pointers, but I was a lost cause. This is an earnest plea for help, chicas. I need lessons in how to meet a man 101.

(2) Got drunk enough to continually rub NotKing's head and sit really, really close to him. This is relevant because I don't like NotKing, and he can creep me out. He's growing on me---but not that much. He kept giving me weird eyes on Sat/Sun. Odd.

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