Saturday, March 12, 2005

i'm loooooonely...

last night i went out with NotCarrie and some of our mutual friends, including NotElliot, a guy that i had previously had a crush on but found out that he only had "friend-feelings" towards me so i gave up.
We went to a few bars at this popular place about an hour away and after quite a few drinks, we all started having the best time ever.
smaller groups of people seem to mesh better in public places, that's for sure. We broke in one of our new coworkers, NotPrince, seeing a different side of his sullen, quiet, drum-and-bass loving persona. The guy to girl ratio was quite nice, about 1:3. But this is besides my point.

All through the night NotElliot hung out with mainly me and NotCarrie. which was fine with us, seeing as his ex-girlfriend NotBigMouth, was there too. He kept making little comments to me through the night though, like "i'm lonely" and "i never really liked her in the first place." which i saw as him just being conversational.
So we're on our way home and he asks me numerous times when i have to work the next day. after i tell him i ask him why and after much prying, he finally says, in a shy way, "i just wondered if you wanted to come over and hang out."

to which i said "hm.. maybe."
seeing as it was 3am and i had to work at 1, i didn't think i was going to. plus i had to take NotCarrie to her car, and i thought he meant for both of us to go to his place anyway.
I'm rambling...
so anyway, i assumed he forgot about it because he didn't say anything else the entire way back to his place from the metro. he then asks me one more time when i work. and then as he gets out of the car, he looks at me and was like "give me a call in a few minutes if you want to."
i drop NotCarrie back off at her car and on my way home i give him a call back. after some small talk i tell him i'm tired and that he should get to sleep, and that i'll see him tomorrow. he seemed disappointed and to be honest with you, so was i. i wonder what would have happened if i had gone over.
I don't want the reason for him wanting me to come over to be like a "rebound" sort of thing. because i don't think he just wanted my friendly company, for some reason.
we'll see how work goes today, i know he remembers everything when he's drunk.
sorry if none of this makes sense, i think this was mainly written to get my thoughts out there in the open. feel free to comment on this, i need feedback.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if you had gone over there we would have had to take out the "NOT" in our blog title.

NotMiranda said...

Bootie call...bootie call (meant in the most positive manner). You go girl!

NotMiranda said...
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NotMiranda said...

Bootie call...bootie call (meant in the most positive manner). You go girl!