Monday, March 28, 2005

Before the grace of the Net go I..

I've been putting myself out there one the web via a website that a girlfriend NotJackie hooked me onto. Now, unlike my fellow compadres, I am the more *ahem* kinky of the four and this site is particularly geared to someone with my particular tastes...However, I've discovered in this have on kinky people that sometimes the truth is more that I want.

For example. I've placed my picture with my profile and in the two weeks that I have been associating with this site I've gotten, at the last count, 400 views. Of those views at least 50 have winked, of those that have winked around 35 have emailed my account on said website. So I'm doing good right, wrong! When I have specifications that are for 25 - 35 year old men, I do not need, nor want a 41 year old man, a 42 yearl old man, a 52 year old man and certainly not a 63 year old geezer popping in to say hello.

So delete is my friend and my filter is getting a workout.

Amongs the ever present lemons I have been presented with some very dateworthy, shagworthy and onenightstandworthy hits. Right now, I'm looking for dateworthy and what we've hit on so far are NotRoarke, NotStone & NotSmith.

NotStone so far is the only one I've talked to by phone and he's got this interesting mojo going on, being that he can keep the same insane hours I can and not complain.

NotRoarke is interesting in that he shares my kinks and would like to meet for great movie type datey thing.

NotSmith is brand new as in this weekend. He hit my email and loved my pic and caught my attention with his quick wit (what can I say I'm a sucker for written word).

So as of today, I'm in phone talks with NotStone, in email chatland with NotSmith and waiting for NotRoarke's schedule to calm down so that we can do pseudomovie type thing...

Bliss thy name is the internet and I love thee...

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