Monday, August 28, 2006

Make Out Kids

I walked the campus sidewalks with Mr. JT's "Sexyback" playing in my head. Was I strutting to the tune of my glorious pink iPod mini as I headed to class?
No, I was walking in front of Mr. Headphone-pants, blaring his music for all the world to hear. Good thing the song was one of my new favorites, or else I would have gave him the patented "NotCharlotte look."
This song not only bleated the rhythm of my footsteps on the way to my German class, but it also got me thinking. This boy was sounding his mating call. His swagger to the beat of his 60GB stick of gum along with his frat boy style and just from the beach tan made for quite a spectacle. This boy had his own soundtrack!
I slowed down to "check my bag" and then followed along behind him to watch the girls react to this warm-blooded jukebox. Short, skinny blondes adorned with Greek letters paused from the intense studying of their Pink Razrs as he passed. I swear that behind their Christian Diors their eyes dilated, their jaws stopped, mid-Orbit circulation.
What made this boy so appealing? His song, his strut, his popped collar?
Who knows, but even the manlier men were getting out of his way. "Sexyback" turned into some undecipherable jungle beat and he went into the Science & Technology building, after giving his reflection a knowing smile. When the door he slid into closed, the girls continued chewing their gum in waitress style and continued tapping their electronic morse code messages and "like, whatever"-ing their way to Dance class.

And with that, NotCharlotte is ready for her senior year of college. Good Riddance.


Whine Girl said...

Oh thank God those days are long gone for me... although I'm going back to school (I'm doing a lot of it online) No gum snapping whatevers here!

NotSamantha said...

Can I say I HATE...with a foamy like rage the popped collar....WTF...we are not back in the 80s...

*ring ring*

Hello...Oh yes, you're the 80s, what's that you say...? You want your popped collar baci...

Whine Girl said...

the flipped collar looks absolutely ridiculous

Anonymous said...

This is why you should be able to carry a concealed weapon. At least a taser so you can just put him out of his misery. Where's a bus jumping the curb when you need one...

Johnny said...

So what kinda guys are you diggin on campus, Charlotte?

Chuckles said...

When I am King, I will outlaw cell phones for all those without a job.

When I am King, I will outlaw allowances as well.

Senor Beavis said...

I think I may now be in platonic blogger exchange love with you after that post. :) Sure you don't go to school in Chicago because I think you just described every day here.

Was he wearing that ridiculous silk scarf over his face like Justin Timberlake? Any guy blasting Justin Timberlake should have his Man Card revoked. Justin Timberlake should have his Man Card revoked for being Justin Timberlake. And anyone with a popped collar should be shot on principle. By the way, when girls do it and think it's cute, it's not.

Shannon said...

On the subject of the 80's I heard big hair is coming back.

Why does anyone want to repeat the 80's?

NotCharlotte said...

Jordan: how lucky you are!!! good luck going back...

NotSamantha: you make me smile. "foamy like rage" i think i'm going to use that...

Rocky: Do tasers light up? If so, then I want one. Does it come with a "tickle" level? Then I reallyreally want one.

Johnny: Sadly, I usually like the more emo/indie guys. As long as they're taller than me, with dark hair, and wear clothes that aren't hanging off their bodies, I'm attracted. If they wear glasses, even better.

Chuckles: you can be our NotKing...

Senor Beavis: I was in platonic reciprocal love with you as well until you started bagging on my Mr. JT. ;-) But I do agree with you, Men should not be blasting their JT for everyone to hear. That's for dorm rooms only.

Shannon: I totally agree. The only things that were good in the 80s were the cartoons!!!!

Frankly, Scarlett said...

ya'll are taking me back! It's like timewarp over here!

but come on - while the popped collar is definitely annoying but...come on...ever so slightly endearing?

Ryane said...

I will take 80's big hair over that fucking Stupid popped collar...hahahahahaha.

Have you seen the website:

They have a bunch of funny DC related that references popped collars. =-)

NotCarrie said...

Yeah, Senor Beavis-Don't knock Mr. JT!

jo said...

i still know grown men who do the popped collar in the office with their polo tees.

Shannon said...

Just don't let me see men in popped collars and parachute pants! LOL.

NotCharlotte: Yes!! The cartoons were the best! Long Live the Smurfs.....

Trouble said...

I am waiting longingly for the day when 80s hair comes back in style.

Call me immature, but I'd happily go back to college for a month or two, especially as a senior. No mortgage payment, responsible only for myself, my meals cooked for me (if I chose to eat them) in the cafeteria), always someone around to have fun with...

Those were the days.

NotCharlotte said...

Shannon- I'm a Jem fan myself... but I did watch the smurfs in German. They just put Sheera princess of power out on dvd. I almost died!

Hagrin- You shop at ABERCROMBIE!?!?!?

but do you listen to JT loudly and have a certain strut?

as long as you put the words soccer and men together, i guess it's okay. soccer players are HOT!

jo said...

this morning as i was getting ready for work, sexyback was the last song i heard on the radio... and then i found myself strutting outta the house with that playing in my head...

NotCarrie said...

Hagrin- I think some guys who wear the popped collars have a distinct look of "I saw this in a magazine" while others can probably pull it off bc it looks more naturally. It's like the leggings look for women. Some CAN pull them off bc they have style, while others just look like they're imitating a picture from Glamour or something.

NotCharlotte said...

Hagrin- if anything, you gained points by saying the words "they fit good around the chest and arms and taper really nice at the bottom."

only a guy comfortable with his own self would ever say something like that.

Beth said...

I'm going to defend the popped collar. And the 80s! I LOVE 80s music... (come on who doesn't love Hall and Oates, Peter Cetera, or Toto?!) And, while the popped collar continues to be a controversial fashion choice, it actually started long before the 80s. In 1929, Rene Lacoste decided to turn in up his collar during at tennis match to protect his neck against sunburn. Other 'sportsmen' of the day (sailors, golfers, etc.) accostomed to collared shirts continued to 'pop' their collars for protection. And, the rest of course is history.

But, over time, the issue has also continued to be divisive. Thus, we have our current spat. Perhaps its on the outs but I still like it!!

NotCarrie said...

<3 Lacoste!

And Hagrin- I don't mind, I like to talk about fashion;)

NotCharlotte said...

hagrin-- but it's so charming!

Beth-- it's one thing if you're an athlete, it's another when you're a hyper-tanned preppy idiot.

Bfiscrazy-- yeah, i like certain trends, but not all at once.

NotCarrie said...

yes, Hagrin! What are good fashions for the ladies?

Don't worry, you won't be filling any "gay male friend" roles.