Thursday, February 02, 2006

I am willing to commit...or is it that I should be committed...

I've been rethinking this whole relationship thing. That and the kid thing. Note that I can't even consider either without objectifying them. But I digress.

The need to be with someone, or be in a committed relationship is a double edged sword. While I don't necessarily want to be alone, I also don't really want to navigate and emotional mindfield that may be worse than my own. I mean seriously, the catchphrase nowadays is "I have issues". We all have issues and when you add to that the want to be with someone else you get even more of these 'issues'.

Then, I've been noticing a steady trend and maybe its part of living in the Metro DC area, but there seem to be two groups of the singles crowds between the ages of 25 - 35, those who are itching, tingling, harping to get married and those who are going with the flow. For the former, its the biological-clock-is-ticking-(for men as well as women)-need-to-have-the-house-the-car-the-right-everything-right-now syndrome, and for the latter it seems to be more of a I'll do the dating thing and if I meet up with that person then I will and if I don't well...

And while neither is exactly healthy, they both have their respective places in my world. They balance each other if you will. And I love a well balanced group.

Or maybe I just need to be committed...or sedated. Not sure which.


NotCarrie said...

How is the second not healthy? I hate the "I HAVE TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP AND GET MARRIED" group but going with the flow seems okay to me...Unhealthy, to me, would be refusing to go out and giving people a chance.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Not Carrie, how can the second one not be healthy... or maybe I think it's healthy because I fall into that category - lol

The Mad Dater,
"Because there's a bastard in all of us."

NotSamantha said...

Okay, let me clarify. I don't mean that they're not healthy as in really bad, but I mean that in excess of rational thought they are bad.

Sort of like not putting any effort into it is bad.