It's easy to deduce why progress with current boys takes so long and why I don't meet as many people as I used to: I work a lot. I work on average 60+ hours a week (between two jobs)which is not a crazy amount but with commuting time added in, it really cuts back on free time. Going out during the week rarely occurrs since I'm usually too tired or need my vegging out time and also because most of my friends work a lot, too.
Fridays are usually dedicated to doing something fun, though and I love love love my Fridays! The trend has emerged of spending my Fridays with NotMiranda and NotJason and we definitely have our share of fun.
Saturday nights are iffy as I usually have an early shift the next morning. A late night is out of the question which is what NotSusan usually does and then my Friday night cohorts are often working the closing shift on Saturday nights.
So really, I am condensing my entire social life into one night. No wonder I don't have a boyfriend;) When am I supposed to meet him? When are we supposed to bond and realize our mutual feelings for each other? I guess the next question would be, When, if I had a guy, do I expect to spend time with him? I'm still not going to work less or be able to stay out until all hours of the night before working. I've thought about this though and when I'm sprawled across my bed watching One Tree Hill from Netflix it's very easy to imagine some guy next to me, complaining that the show sucks. See, in my mind, a great boyfriend is also a great companion. Someone to spend time with...someone I enjoy spending time with...someone who makes doing something casual that much better just because he is there.
So I know what I want and what I will be happy with but there is still the problem of WHERE and HOW and WHEN this can happen? I enjoy watching TV while laying on my bed but I'm certainly not going to meet my future TV watching makeout buddy while there! (Unless he breaks in and I'm probably NOT going to want to date someone in prison.)
You seriously have no idea how much this truly worries me! I've had those exact same thoughts and have imagined myself forever single if I keep working so many hours. Of course, part of me believes in destiny and in the fact that I will just happen upon this person at work or on the metro and things will just fall into place. Maybe I should stop dreaming and face reality. Anyway, I feel and share your concerns.
Yeah I'm torn on that...destiny. I don't really think I need to be working on MEETING people because usually the guys in my life are friends/siblings (haha) of friends...but I am worried about cultivating these relationships I want to grow into something more.
Hmm... reasons to pat myself on the back for the 37.5 hour work week.
Oh I have a list of shows he and I will be watching! (Lost IS good but have to pay attention too much to MO;)
See, I only work the regular 40 hours a week, but as a single mom my time is DEFINTELY cut short, too. Plus, I don't want to be this mom who is always out partying on the weekends and hungover in bed the next day. (Actually, I don't think I'm physically capable of that anymore, anyway!!) And to be honest, a guy would SERIOUSLY cut into my tv time. He'd have to be pretty damn special for me to give up even SOME of my shows - tv junkie that I am!! ;) Where to find them?? Who the hell knows? What I DO know is that I'm tired of looking - I'm slowly accepting my destiny as the old maid with all the cats.
When you find the right guy, he'll understand, you'll find the time for each other and he'll make each moment special, even if it is once a week.
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