Thursday, September 15, 2005

Clothing makes the woman...

I'm a big believer in clothing...and shoes, definately shoes. And I love getting new clothing and pairing them with great shoes and then going out with my friends...

Hence this post.

What gives us that euphoric feeling of rightness in our world when we cut the tags off of a new pair of pants, remove the sticker from that new pair of shoes and slide them over hips, over heels and smooth them across thighs, etc?

For me its always been the complete look and given my body issues if the look doesn't come together totally I'm wrecked for the rest of the day. Clotheshorse you call me, probably, but I prefer my other alter ego, Shoe Whore.

But what about you? Does that new outfit give you the tingles, does putting together just the right accessory with the right outfit send you into orbit, come on dish about it...We can be clothing fiends together.

Speaking of...ladies of Friday night, heels or chunky? you know the drill...

And the red cami may make an appearance on friday as opposed to saving it for Saturday, but we shall see.


NotCharlotte said...

I think i'm going to wear kitten heels with jeans. and a silky tank top.
But heels, yes.
And I love clothes. As I've gotten older, I've gotten better at forming the perfect outfit, including accessories and shoes. I get complimented every day at work about how I always look so put together. That's the kind of confidence booster we all need... clothes make the woman.

NotCarrie said...

My greatest compliment is "Where did you get that?"

NotMiranda said...

Don't get me wrong...I like clothes and definitely agree that the right outfit is a confidence booster. I have to disagree, however, with the idea that the clothes make the woman. Honey, the clothes merely accentuate the fabulous women you already are.

Christina said...

I love "Where did you get that?" It's a great compliment.

I also love picking out my clothes and getting dressed in the morning. It's so lame, but it's just about my favorite part of the day.