Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Meanwhile Back at the ranch...

I, unlike my esteemed members of the NSATC blog, have not been visiting and posting as I should. I have neglected the blog...and the thing is I've had tons going on to write about. So, without further ado, a summary of what's been going on with NotSamantha.

-still pursuing other dating possibilities besides NotSkippy and had a date this previous weekend that lasted a pain-free two hours. This guy will get a repeat date.
-Went out of town with NotSkippy to visit mutual friends (though more his than mine), what commenced was three days of sleeping together, playing around and acting like a happy couple. On the plus side of that I revealed that I considered cutting off all contact with him after this trip because I was so tired of trying to figure out what he wanted. Understanding that he wants to do casual dating before he jumps headlong into another serious relationship is one thing, but living through it is another.
-Came back from trip with a fresher perspective on what I want, what I need and what NotSkippy can and cannot give me.

Its hard knowing that they guy likes you, knowing that you like him, but have to work through his quirks so that you can get together...


NotCarrie said...


NotMiranda said...

I had to go back and re-read NotSamantha's post to figure out what you were actually saying 'Amen!' to. OMG...I cracked up when I realized she was singing your song.