Thursday, July 21, 2005

Circles and Squares

Yesterday I was driving when one of my favorite songs came on. The kind of song with the perfect melody and lyrics that make me swoon and wish for the day that my significant other writes words like that for me. But then I came back to reality and realized that I have never pursued a guy who would ever do that. Then I thought about current and past crushes and how much in common we really had. How necessary is it to enjoy all of the same things? Is a relationship doomed to fail if both people involved don't get excited over the same things?

My answer is no. I don't want to be with a clone of myself. I want someone who can appreciate my interests and activities and who will participate in them because they like ME. He's going to understand when I want to go stand in line for hours to see my favorite band and how much more it will mean if he offers to stand in line with me.

It is interesting when I apply this to current and past guys I have been interested in. Some have merely been a physical lust, or check box on a list, while others I now realize, would never "get me." I'm multifaceted and have a big interest in so many things, I am not one-dimensional.

To understand passion, you have to have passion and I'm not talking about taking the "No" out of "No Sex and the City." To understand me, and to be with me, you have to "get it." Luckily for me, I think I'm getting better at finding the guys who "get it."

1 comment:

MEP said...

That's so true. I know that I dated some guys that were fun, attractive, and good guys - but we couldn't work b/c they didn't "get me." Believe me, when you find a guy that "get's you" and has all those other qualities, you will feel like the wait has been worth it