Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Passing Feeling?

Lately I've been feeling more lonely than usual, which is odd since I've always been lonely.
Before you say "it's ok, you have us" I think you know which sort of lonely I mean.

I have also decided to make this one of my priorities to fix. This coming weekend I plan on going out simply to meet guys. I think NotMiranda agreed to accompany me on this excursion, NotSamantha you are welcome to come as well. NotCarrie, I think you will be out of town but the invitation goes to you as well.
The new strategy will be: girls only, but only a few. I don't know where we should go as of yet, but perhaps not the bustling city or rural country.
Research is in order.
I'm just tired of settling for what we "have" in our social circle and it is time to branch out.
I do not want internet dating, that hasn't worked for me in the past. I want "first impression if he's cute and makes me laugh then let's talk" kind of stuff.
I think one reason we never meet anyone new when we go out is because of the big ass group we all take with us. I think guys are a bit self conscious about girls in numbers, so this will make it a bit easier.
Friday night the smaller group idea proved successful, for NotMiranda caught the attention of a potential suitor. She will probably tell you a bit more about that...
So anyway, I have a new outlook on the whole "snag a man" thing and I think this time I'll be "serious" about it.
I'm tired of being alone.

1 comment:

NotCarrie said...

Are you talking about Saturday? Then yes, out of town.

Here is my advice for meeting guys while out:
-no sitting
-be aware of body language (no crossed arms, etc.)
-just talk to random people (as they walk by, when waiting for your drink at the bar, etc.)