Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Secret knowledge or secretly crap

So I've done a little catch-up reading. The latest, Superflirt, has a whole section on interpreting nonverbal cues from guys. I'm some of this complete and utter crap, but I found it interesting none-the-less. I will be incorporating some of the techniques into my spy work : )

Signs he finds you attractive or is interested:

*raised eyebrows
*glistening/dancing eyes
*lips part
*nostrils flare
*stroke of tie or smooth lapel
*smooth or mess up his hair
*fiddle with his socks and pulls them up
*will spread legs while sitting opposite you
*stands with hands on hips
*will touch his face a lot when looking at you
*will squeeze glass or can or roll it from side to side
*will move into "cowpoke" stance

The book also talks a lot about mirroring people and how people tend to like people who move like them. I find this equally disturbing and interesting. *more later* : )


NotCarrie said...

Hmmm, I know *I* do a lot of this stuff.

NotCharlotte said...

it's comforting to know that a lot of these signs are evident in all of the guys i have liked before :)
however, if you put them all together, like they're happening at once, it would look kind of silly :)