Saturday, March 05, 2005

Weekend SNL but true!

This weekend was NotSamantha's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Friday night was blow-out bash at her place. The goal of the night being the girls of No Sex & the City to see some action. The highlight of my evening (I arrived late) was seeing a highly intoxicated NotSamantha curled up in a chair with NotSkippy, playing with his hair and trying to put the moves on him. NotSkippy looked slightly intoxicated and somewhere between blissful and tired. I'm not sure how successful she was, but the rest of us struck out.

Unfortunately, because money was tight, we (me and NotCharlotte) had to bail on NotSamantha's nice Saturday dinner. Sorry, NotSamantha : ( We really wanted to go but funds are so tight with such a short month. I promise to surprise you with a fab gift! That said, Saturday did continue with some fab, hilarious and free entertainment. NotCharlotte and I ended up going to a sex (accessories) party at someone's house...for background research ; ) I haven't laughed that hard in quiet a while. I feel like I burst blood vessels in my brain or something. Read NotCharlotte's post for a hilarious blow-by-blow (no pun intended). To add my 2 cents...seeing NotCharlotte in a strap-on rocked. It was the funniest thing ever (really, ever), and she handled it like a real trooper. In addition to being highly amused, I was also relieved that the games wouldn't mention any how-tos. Woop, woop to me for winning 'ring the penis'. As for the "intimate gel", yes, I was adventurous to try it. It felt like a cold breeze blowing right on my snatch and didn't go away for a good many minutes. "Mint for the vagina" is 'bout the perfect way to describe it.

I don't think I'll be buying anything just yet, but pink passion vibrator was mighty pretty (lol) : )

1 comment:

NotSamantha said...

He stayed over...but slept on the couch...forgot to drag him to my lair...does that count as a success...?