Tuesday, March 01, 2005

On My Mind Too

I realized today, during my staff meeting, that when I daydream (which is all the time) the subject can fall into 3 categories:
1. Men (boys for future blogs as most males I know are NOT men)
2. Shopping
3. Sleeping

Three is a given only because I am always tired and I like to think back to when I was warm and cozy in my bed (alone, of course). I also like to plan ahead to the next time I will get to be in my warm, cozy bed (alone, of course).

Two is a given because I am a female and any female who does not like to buy things is a lunatic. I just made an order on gap.com and am now trying to forget that jcrew.com exists.

Now number one...90% of my thoughts. I'd guess that half of my time is spent thinking about situations that have occurred and half of my time is spent daydreaming about situations I *want* to occur. The former would include me analyzing every word spoken between me and a certain male and replaying the scene over and over in my mind.
-What did he mean when he said that?
-Did he realize what I meant when I said that?
-Can he read my mind?
-Why can't I read his??

The fun part comes when I daydream about what I want to happen. The "Love Of My Life" calls and admits he feels the same way and wants to see me. The bad boy crush drives the distance and visits me at work, leading me to the back where we take advantage of the hiding spots. (Note: This is a reoccurring daydream involving many, many people I encounter while at work and many, many different spots.) My favorite daydream involves my latest crush from a favorite band and his declaration of love for me during the show. In song form, ideally.

Nothing can beat, "I love you" amplified and accompanied by guitars in a smoky club.

This is the ultimate. This is the goal.

1 comment:

NotSamantha said...

Why can't all of our days be like the best smut novel I've ever read...it would make life and meeting so much more enjoyable...