Thursday, March 16, 2006

Depressed, Discouraged and Back at Square One or What's Your Sign?

Dating in and of itself has many foibles, I've discovered. But what about when the dating is over, the relationship is done and you're back to the place where you're started (I call this Square One). Going with that analogy I liken this to some sort of weird ritualistic dance that we go through in the quest for another date. To begin to look for that person again, that supposedly we would like to spend time with for a night, a day or in some cases the rest of our lives.

But I digress...

I don't mind the dating, though at times it can challenge parts of me and bring up dealbreakers I never thought existed, its the getting there that always gets me down. I try to make it into a fun adventure, full of cool people and exotic locales, but usually what I come up with is Joe Blow Wanna Do Nothing and the 'burbs...*sigh*. Which has lead me to my latest idea for those of us who are fed up with trying to decipher the body language and unknown signals of the dating pros and dating inept (you chose which category you belong in, me I'm in the proinept category). How about a sign? It can be as large as you want, just as long as it displays exactly what you're looking for in your significant other, be as honest as possible and remember this is your sign, how's that for you reader's of "Blink", you'll be able to make that snap judgement lightening fast.

Because while its interesting to try and wade through the many many people we meet and would possibly want to date, its also discouraging, especially when paired with the inconsistencies of what a person says and what they mean or what they're really trying to intimate and what they're assuming you know. Its just too complicated. KISS(Keep it Simple Stupid)...

Now, in keeping with my own advice, here is my sign:

SF, slightly neurotic, oversexed and possible sub seeks, strong male to interact with. Must have prerequesite height of at least 5'10' in socks, length of manpart should be of above average and suitable girth. Man bears need not apply. Muscles are prefered, but will be overlooked for ability to move heavy things. Ability to match clothing, shower regularly and tell a great story are mandatory. Must have sense of humor, be openminded, but not a carpet. Please feel free to approach, especially if I look at you more than once and smile with teeth. No I am not a shark, but I will bite if you ask nicely.

So, I've put it out show me your sign.


Single guy blogging said...

NotSamantha - I absolutely love this idea! It's like a business card that you can hand someone you just met where there is a mutual interest. I've always wanted to do something similar but felt it would be taken waaay too contrived and turn a woman off. My card would be a sentence in each of these: Who I was; Who I am; Who I want to be.

Hope this get picked up and a fad begins...

NotMiranda said...

But what if what we think we want isn't really what we really want? What if our exclusions cause us to miss out on something great?

Coming Attractions: the NotMiranda sign

Anonymous said...

This post had me laughing my socks off!

NotSamantha said...

NotMiranda, no system is fool proof and while this is just one way to do it there's nothing to say that as you discover new things about what you like and what you may want, that you can't change your sign. "the only constant is change" and all that.

SGB - glad you liked the post. I've come to the conclusion that if we lay more of our cards on the table in regards to meeting people maybe we'll get a little further in the gettingtoknowyou game.

Single guy blogging said...

NS - and it'll also make the "Glad I Don't have to get to know you any further" time a LOT shorter!

NotSamantha said...

SGB - exactly!

James said...

"...dealbreakers I never thought existed..."

Now I'm intrigued. What had you in mind? A penchent for odd flurorescent socks? A fetish involving lemonaid? A desire to harbour the world's largest collection of washing powder memorabilia in the living room?

"Please feel free to approach, especially if I look at you more than once and smile with teeth."

Does this just apply to you, or do other women feel this way, too, about approaching if one smiles with teeth? And at whom do you smile? If somebody smiled at me, I'd assume that she was one of the people who knew me but whom I didn't know, or that she mistook me for somebody whom she knew, or that she was smiling at somebody behind me.

jo said...

haha! a sign is like putting an ad out... i like it...

Melissa said...

It's an awesome idea. I'd have to put straight white teeth on my sign though.

NotCarrie said...

I used to have a long list of things I wanted. Now I just want tall, not smelly, intelligent and funny.

James said...

NotCarrie: how about sane? Some axe murderers might be tall, not smelly, intelligent and funny.

Lindsey said...

Maybe we should print our signs on shirts...maybe that would be easier?

LOL. Great post.

NotCarrie said...

We're not ASSUMING not sane????