Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Face the Nation or Why I Wear the Mask...

I discovered today that my makeup is my fool-proof shield against whatever is going on.

I mean, I put on the concealer and I immediately feel myself start to put up the walls...every swipe of the brush is another brick that I've put down to shore up myself for whatever the world is planning to throw at me. Foundation is a layer of mortar over the bricks and the eyeliner (the darker and smokier the better) is the security alarm, by the time I add eyeshadow, mascara, blush and lip liner I'm fully decked out in NotSamantha business mode...tis a little disturbing.

As soon as I exit the bathroom I've immediately ready for all comments, questions and diatribes (sometimes my own) with a quick tongue and a raised eyebrow.

I've fended off many an unwanted conversation with a look alone so I know this works...

Now, as to why I use my makeup this way. Quite honestly, because what is underneath really doesn't want to be bothered with fending off whatever will come my way.


NotCarrie said...

That's interesting, NotSamantha.

NotMiranda said...

Join me sometimes and have a makeup free day. Don't get me wrong, I love makeup...the smells, colors. But once you go without it in public a couple of times, you just may get addicted to how oddly freeing it is and those few extra minutes in the morning.

NotCarrie said...

I only wear eye makeup and 70% is because its fun and 30% is because I like how it looks. Eyeliner is art;)