Sunday, May 22, 2005

long slow goodbye

so today is NotVegas' birthday. it's also the day that i realized he was slowly breaking my heart. the night he went to a strip club and didn't want to tell me what happened there.
shortly after this day last year, my relationship broke apart. slowly but surely my trust in this guy dwindled to nothing.
the fact that i stayed with him for eight months is shocking to me. phone calls, car rides, secret work rendevous, they were nice but what they led up to was absolute crap.
what doesn't make me feel any better is the fact that i am still single after him.
it's sad to remember all of this stuff and hold on to it for a year after the fact, but what else have i got to hold onto?
this summer holds promise for new and exciting things to happen and i hope that one year from today i will not be the same person i am right now: lonely and bitter.


NotCarrie said...

Alone and Lonely are not synonomous.

NotCarrie said...

Hmmm, I didn't mean that as a vocabulary lesson or anything as I know realize it may have been misread as. Just remember that you are technically "alone" now but I hope you're not lonely! You have all of us!

NotMiranda said...

I know it sounds contrite to say we've all been there and know how you feel, but it's true. Think of everything you got from this relationship both good and bad and how it has helped you grow as a person. I always feel like I sound cheesy, but I really do try to do this myself. I always say no regrets...only life experiences.

...and NotCarrie is've always got us. We may not kiss or hold you, but we're still pretty fun :-P